Tailored Mother's Day Messages for Every Type of Relationship

By now, we hope you've had the chance to explore the type of relationship you have or had with your mother or maternal figure through our Mother Wound Quiz.

Have you had the opportunity to delve into the five common types of dysfunctional relationships, which manifest as the Mother Wound, as well as the five common types of healthy relationships, known as the Mother Blessing?

Once you discover a description that resonates with you, utilize our handy suggestions below to craft the perfect Mother’s Day message, whether it's for celebration or expressing a desire for healing

Mother Blessing Relationships

  1. Secure Attachment Relationship: "Dear Mom, on this Mother's Day, I want to express my gratitude for always being there for me, providing comfort and support whenever I needed it. Your unwavering love and presence have given me the confidence to explore the world and become the person I am today. Thank you for being my rock."

  2. Respectful Relationship: "Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I admire and respect you more than words can express. Your empathy, understanding, and openness have shaped the way I view the world and interact with others. Thank you for always treating me with kindness and respect."

  3. Nurturing Relationship: "Mom, on this special day, I want to thank you for your endless love and nurturing care. Your guidance and encouragement have been the guiding lights in my life, helping me grow and thrive. I am forever grateful for your unwavering support and belief in me."

  4. Autonomous Relationship: "Dear Mom, as I reflect on this Mother's Day, I am grateful for your support in allowing me to become my own person. Your trust in my decisions and your guidance along the way have empowered me to forge my own path. Thank you for always believing in me."

  5. Healthy Boundaries Relationship: "Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I appreciate the healthy boundaries you've instilled in our relationship, allowing us to respect each other's individuality and autonomy. Your example has taught me the importance of self-respect and mutual respect in all relationships. Thank you for being my role model."

Mother Wound Relationships

  1. Enmeshed Relationship: "Dear Mom, as Mother's Day draws near, I've been thinking about our relationship and understanding the need to set some gentle boundaries. I treasure our bond deeply, and I'm also mindful of the significance of respecting each other's uniqueness. Let's find a harmonious way that preserves our closeness while also embracing our freedom to be ourselves."

  2. Neglectful Relationship: Mom, as Mother's Day arrives, I want to seize this moment to convey my love and gratitude for you, despite the difficulties we've encountered in our relationship. Though there have been moments where I've felt overlooked, I recognize that life can be complex. I yearn to reconnect with you and nurture our connection, beginning anew today. Let's craft fresh memories together and fortify our bond.”

  3. Controlling Relationship: “Happy Mother's Day, Mom. As I reflect on our relationship, I recognize there have been times when I've felt overwhelmed by your desire for control. Please understand that I cherish our bond, but I also crave the freedom to express myself. Let's find a way to nurture a relationship founded on trust and mutual respect, where both of us can flourish as individuals.”

  4. Emotionally Abusive Relationship: "Mom, despite the pain and hurt that may have existed between us, I want to acknowledge the love that still resides in my heart for you. As Mother's Day approaches, I'm reaching out in the hopes of healing our wounds and moving forward together. Let's commit to honest communication, empathy, and understanding as we navigate our relationship."

  5. Codependent Relationship: "Dear Mom, as Mother's Day approaches, I've been reflecting on the dynamics of our relationship and realizing some unhealthy patterns of codependency that have developed over the years. I want you to know that I love you deeply, but I also recognize the importance of establishing some boundaries and fostering our individual growth. Let's support each other in breaking free from these patterns and building a healthier, more balanced relationship."


Take the Mother Wound Quiz


The Mother Blessing: What Does a Healthy Relationship with Your Mother Look Like?